Top SOP Writing Services in Kerala & Tamilnadu

Storyteller by heart and head. Explores the intersection of philosophy and psychology, passion and patience, money and mind.

Applying for the top universities to enhance your knowledge and skills? Then, you must submit an SOP stating your educational background, learnings, and most importantly, your motivation behind applying for the program, what you can contribute to the university, and your future goals. It seems a bit difficult at first, and if you are a working professional, it is even challenging. The solution is to hire a professional SOP writer who can help you with a personalized draft by asking just a few questions from you. But do you know why top universities asked for the Statement of Purpose, especially from the international student? Let’s checkout!

Why SOP is Important and Crucial?

Statement of purpose is a vital tool that gives you a chance to make your application stand out from others. With 1000’s applicants received by the admissions team daily, it becomes a little challenging to convince the committee on CGPA and percentages, and here is when the Statement of Purpose comes in handy. It basically acts as a snapshot in demonstrating the student’s academics, goals and extracurricular activities, thus giving an overall synopsis of the applicant interestingly.

SOP is also crucial because it gives you a chance to present your story engagingly. One of the significant benefits of SOP is that you get an opportunity to justify your gaps or lower marks and focus on your strengths and passion. It also serves as a medium to showcase your personality, the real you, which is beyond the dimensions of “marks.” Hence, SOPs are very crucial, and all efforts must be taken to ensure that they are of high quality.

So what exactly should we write in a Statement of Purpose? Start your SOP by giving a brief summary of your interest and how it is linked with your plan for higher studies; thereafter, you can describe your academic backgrounds, including college projects, workshops or seminars that you have participated in. In case you have taken up additional certificates, it is a good way to cite them, as well as it will support your interest in the field. You could also go about and explain the exact events or incidents that inspired your interest in the field. Concocting a story around it is one of the best ways of presenting an SOP. We also recommend mentioning your extracurriculars, as that will give a sneak-peak into the cultural fitment of yours in the college. So, try to mention your hobbies or any volunteering work you have taken up. Demonstrating examples of real-life examples and linking them with the skills you have showcased there is also a perfect way to show your personality traits.

Another pointer that is of high importance is mentioning your goals. They can be short-term and long-term goals, and even if you do not have full clarity on them, it is advisable to write at least something on the goals that you aim to pursue after completing your master’s course. The clear depiction of goals will help the committee judge you as a person with a definite aspiration and a clear strategy to help attain the goals. Most of the SOP’s rejected are whimsical in nature, with a wish element attached to them, and hence we staunchly advise putting out clear and definite goals.

Last but not the least, research the course that you aim to pursue and mention some of the program’s highlights in it. Researching well will show your interest in the college. Also, mention how you will be a valuable addition to the Institution bringing in your knowledge and experience to the table and will be instrumental in adding value to the ongoing projects. With these pointers in mind, you would get the recipe for making a perfect SOP that will fit the criteria of getting selected in your desired university.

Do you require to get in touch with the SOP Writer personally? The answer is ‘NO!’

Why SOP Service is not Location Oriented. It’s Online

Thanks to the world of the internet, everything today is digital. Writing services, in particular, too are quite digitized. All you require is to convey your requirements clearly to the SOP Writer you have hired, which can be done through writing the details or on calls, or more specifically, by sending an audio or video recorded message. For these, the world of technology will come in handy, and unlike the olden times, it is now not necessary to meet a person face to face to help them understand the requirements of the SOP. In fact, candidates are not searching for SOP agencies from all over the length and breadth of India based on their ratings and reviews. Once they are satisfied with an agency, they share the requirements via an online platform. And the agency, in turn, also shares the final copy online. So, what does the process teach us? That SOP is basically an online process that utilizes Google Docs, the internet and an expert who can curate the document. Hence, SOP services are no longer location-oriented.

Another reason for the online presence of these services is the ease with which information can be shared over the internet. The upsurge of Freelancers is another factor that has made these services operational online. Freelancers sitting at any corner of the country spend a few hours of quality work to get the work done, and ultimately it is the quality copies that count in. Online presence has also opened avenues for greater outreach of good writers, which has indeed exemplified its operational importance. Hence, SOP services are no longer geographically dependent, thanks to the internet world.

But sharing personal information online secure? How can we differentiate between fake agencies and real writers’ agencies? Let’s have a look!

Why and How Fake Agencies Take Advantage of People?

One of the common problems that you might face is that since very few people have an idea about academic lines, especially of the abroad colleges and their qualification factors, there are agencies that take advantage of people. Getting spun content is very easy these days, and some agencies do that. What they would do, is take your requirements and find a similar SOP and then simply change the wordings. Now, some tools can identify these types of plagiarism. Further, there are good chances that all your information is not included in the Statement, making it incorrect.

So, how do people fall into the trap? Well, writing an SOP requires expert skills and a clear understanding of the requirements. Since it is difficult to get something appropriate, applicants generally consult professionals who can help them with their tasks. Now SOP is the gateway to their desired college and holds a vital role in the admission process. So, it becomes imperative to look out for agencies that can churn out a beautiful draft for them. But fake agencies make use of the vulnerability of the applicants and use them as money extracting machines. So, as a candidate, there are good chances of getting into the trap and spending chunks of money without getting the desired output.

Hence, it is imperative to rely on reputed and renowned firms that have expertise in writing SOPs. Many agencies may claim that they are into content space, but SOP is another domain that requires academic acumen and understanding of populating information in a story format, which requires a different skill altogether. We recommend looking at reliable agencies that are adept at taking up SOPs. One way to do so is to check the agencies’ reviews and check their work (as in how many Sops they take up, how many have they got approved, which colleges or countries SOP they are specialized in). Word of Mouth also plays a big role here. Talking with people who have got their SOP’s done from agencies or those whose SOP has been approved will stand testimonial to the quality of the agency. Most of the agencies would ask you to fill in a set of information or get on a one-to-one call with the writer, who would jot down all the information. By the talking style of the writer also, you can get an idea about his level of expertise. Also, check out the plagiarism tools they are using as copies of statements get rejected instantly. Also, most of the agencies’ charges include one or two revisions. Get an idea about that beforehand, starting your work. Though finding a reliable agency can be a daunting task, quite a few are famous for their quality of work and timely delivery of the content.

Top Reliable Agencies List

If you are looking for a reliable agency, we enlist five highly accountable agencies and are known for their impeccable writing, especially in SOPs.

1. Write Right

Write Right is one of the best services for content writing and has been globally ranked by good firms and Clutch as the best agency in India and abroad. They are known for their impeccable quality and on-the-point content details, setting them apart from the rest of their competitors. Write Right also holds a significant position in writing SOPs as they have five years of experience in the same segment and understand the abroad colleges’ perspective while evaluating their statements. They use their expertise in drafting the essays and SOPS accordingly. So, just give them your requirements,

2. Kalamkagaz

Kalamkagaz is another reliable agency which is founded by the renowned content consultant Mr. Bhavik Sarkhedi. Based out of Ahmedabad, the agency boasts of expert writers from all across the country. The agency offers a one-stop solution for all the SOP requirements, including resumes, essays and cover letter services. Further, they are experts in providing quality writings from freshers to experienced professionals. In addition to SOP’s, you can also approach Kalamkagaz for a Letter of Recommendations and create a Linkedin profile.

3. Taletel

Taletel is a reputed writing service specializing in writing different styles of Statements of Purpose. They are known for their timely delivery and have been trusted by thousands of clients over the years. In addition to SOP services, Taletel also provides drafts on the rejection of Visa, Personal Statements, Letter of Recommendations, resumes and cover letters. In fact, Taletel is known for its great pricing and on-spot delivery, which has factored in making it a reliable agency. In addition to SOP services, Taletel also offers writing services in other domains like e-book writing, article writing, blog writing and social media-related write-ups.

4. Bloggism

A creative writing agency that typically targets startups and individuals, bloggism is known for its customer-centric unique, plagiarism-free writing services. Backed by professional and creative writers, bloggism deals with academic writing too, like SOP, LOR’s and Personal statements and is known for its quality writing catering to the requirements. The agency also helps in other writing services such as newsletters, case studies, business proposals, websites and email writing. All in all, they are one of the reliable service companies in the South.

5. Estorytellers

A subsidiary company of Write Right, Estorytellers emboss the same level of authenticity as its parent company. They are experts in writing human content in the most fluid manner. The problems of spinning and plagiarism get sorted out here. Once you submit your requirements, a dedicated writer is assigned who takes care of them. Be assured to get clean and to the point copy at reasonable rates. Estorytellers also help draft visa SOPs that have been rejected, thus ensuring that you get a ticket to your desired college with ease. And the best part is that all of these are available at pocket-friendly prices.

Do’s and Don’ts in SOPs to Write

An SOP concocts your life in a story-like format. And while that is the thumb rule, certainly do’s, and don’ts need to be followed to ensure that an idea SOP is getting drafted. Here is a checklist of items to help you get started.


Follow the enlisted Do’s, and we can guarantee that you will come up with a good SOP.

  • Ensure that the SOP is written in an active voice. The writing will impact a conversational style that has greater chances of engaging with the admission committee.
  • Make sure your writing is grammatically correct. There can be nothing more disengaging than these silly mistakes.
  • Make sure you have a hook -or so-called story around which the entire SOP is weaved around. The story should be interesting and should link your passion in the field and your desire to take up higher studies.
  • If possible, add a quote at the beginning pertaining to your SOP, which will help in creating an instant attraction.
  • Use paragraphs in your SOP, with each paragraph clearly stating a point.
  • Do mention your short-term and long-term goals, even if they are a little vague. Goals will help the committee realize you have a vision against which you are working. We recommend a crystal clear articular of interest and goals.
  • In case you have faced any challenges and have successfully overcome them, build this seamlessly in the SOP. Try and focus on your positive mindset, as this helps to portray your problem-solving skills.
  • Do include extracurricular activities. There are many colleges that have weight for these additional activities alongside academics, and the chances are that you might get low scores in case you miss the section.
  • Make sure to write details like your favorite subjects you would like to take up in electives or research work that you are keen to take under the professor. This helps the committee understand that you have done your research work and are very much interested in taking up admission.
  • Lastly, give them a clear understanding of how you would add value to the Institution in terms of research work that you would carry or the knowledge that you would bring to the table.


Keep in mind while drafting SOPs. Here we cite the common mistakes one makes while writing an SOP.

  • Stick to the word limit. There are high chances of an SOP getting rejected as the word limit has been violated.
  • Make sure you follow the font size and format in case anything personal is mentioned.
  • Keep the SOP original. Please refrain from using high-sounding words( unless they fit in) or copied phrases. Instead, use examples from your life to state a point.
  • Having a good flow means all the parts of the SOP are linked with one another. Most of the SOP’s get rejected as they are not drafted naturally.
  • Refrain from words like “I wish” instead use I aim to showcase that you are not a dreamer but a person with definite goals and a strategic plan.
  • Keep your SOP on a positive note. Even if you need to mention lows in your life, keep it brief and focus on the part of how you overcame the challenge.
  • Never mention anything incorrect in the SOP.


SOP’s are indeed a genuine bible that aids in showcasing your writing abilities alongside giving a summary of your personality. Use it wisely so that it works in advancing your admission form.

Writing an excellent SOP is undoubtedly difficult. To present your thoughts in the best possible way, you’ll need skill, devotion, experience, and a strong grasp of the English language. So don’t hesitate to engage specialists to produce a flawless SOP that will boost your confidence when applying for university education at universities across the globe. Moreover, this is that one document that can either make or shatter your chances of rising in your academic career. So why take a chance when you can use a service to help you stand out in this extremely competitive phase?

Most SOP firms provide free consultation and maximum changes so that you can present the best SOP to the admissions committee. So just go forth and discover that perfect match for yourself and begin the process of securing your spot in your dream university.

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