The Best Three Resume Writing Services in India [Verified 2024]

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The best resume writing services help you get a leg up in the age of computer-screened resumes. Let us been honest, it is 2021, and computer vision and machine learning are here to stay for ever. It is crucial that your professional resume showcases your unique skills and experiences and emphasize why you would make a great employee, but they also need to be written to make you stand out – to both humans and computers. Our career experts spent 60 days researching over 25 online resume writing services across India, talking to recruiters and hiring managers to learn what makes a resume stand out for a dream job.

Our best overall recommendation is to check out Write-right’s free resume review first. Write-right is ambidextrous and could meet any requirement from the potential clients whether it is an Executive resume or Fresher resume.

All the top three companies, Write Right, Kalam Kagaz, and Avon resumes offer a free resume review service along with other premium services like SEO content writing services to help you understand, where your resume needs to be improved for Applicant Tracking Systems. They will have you covered for all your needs, from resume writing to LinkedIn profile building. We are going to walk you through our tips and advices to help you prepare a strong resume that stands up for any job or internship to enhance your career. There are many options fans out there, so you can also keep reading to learn more about these three sites we reviewed.

Write Right

For the best, you are probably looking at the largest in the country, which has to be Write-right. There are several other resume writing services in India, but they are mostly here today and gone tomorrow. The only company that has stuck around for years and still maintains good online reputation is Write-right. Write-right has one simple and ambitious mission to be the best resume writing and career service provider on the market. They take that ambition very seriously, and they are proud of the results they produce for their clients every day.

They offer a free review service, which is highly beneficial for resume and CV enthusiasts. An online resume critique should be the foundation to the process for improving your resume, whether you choose to do it yourself or turn to a professional resume writer, like one of the write-right. The critique provides insights that you couldn’t see yourself, not just observations.

After all, that’s what expert feedback is all about. Not all online resume critiques are created equal, however, pay attention to resume-critique services that provide accurate, objective, and meet the criteria outlined above. The right-right resume writing services will do this, providing proven strategies and insights and even offering sample resumes and other resources for job seekers to consider. Within 24 hours, they will send an extremely non-biased, accurate, and informative review of your resume.

Their analysis was so detailed, thoroughly helpful, and specific. It is such constructive feedback that helps you fix all the shortcomings. You can see samples of their work, view their sample resumes, as well as testimonials and case studies from actual clients.

Write-right takes utmost care of the Style & organization of your resume. The format of your resume effectively shows the impact of your achievements. Work experience and educational qualification should always be listed on a resume or CV in a reverse chronological order, which gives convenience to the reader. Your work history and education should go back in time from top to bottom as your current or most recent job first, then the previous one below, all the way to the oldest one.

They have an expert team to draft a professional summary of your career to introduce your candidature to suit the position you are applying. The team projects you as a professional who will add value to any organization. Moreover, the writing is clear, easy to understand, and free of mistakes. The tense, tone, and punctuations are consistent and relevant. Writers in the write-right will create targeted resumes, and they often write with a degree of frank honesty, which no one views negatively. They often display your qualifications in a quantifiable manner, and they do not generalize to keep specific track of your achievements.

Besides, they embed extra-curricular and co-curricular activities like sporting activities, learning a foreign language, volunteering & fundraising for a cause from a personality point of view.

Write-right is good because it has been around for a long time and has an online reputation with genuine reviews from google, clutch, trust pilot, Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, and glass door. It also has several side services like a CV writing service, a LinkedIn writing service, and a cover letter service. Most of the job applications are rejected before being seen by human eyes. Before your resume reaches the hands of a hiring manager, it often must satisfy an ATS applicant tracking system.

An ATS is a type of software; used by recruiters and employers to collect, sort, scan, and rank the job applications they receive for their open positions. If a resume is not written with ATS tools in mind, a qualified candidate might easily be looked down upon by a specific algorithm of software. Write-right bolsters its ability to write an ideal, ATS-optimized resume and CVs, which leads to prompt response from the recruiters, inviting you for interview calls.

The standard turnaround time here is 48 hours although, 24 hours rush is also available. If you do not receive an interview request within 60 days of receiving your final, customized resume from Write-right, they will rework the resume without any additional cost to the client.

Kalam Kagaz

It is a leading organization specialized in resume and CV writing in India. They are second to none in every possible aspect. Their mission is not only about writing your resume but also to equip you with the most powerful tool that will showcase your potential completely, land more job interviews, and make you more self-confident during the job-search process. The company consists of over 100 Certified Resume writers who have expertise in different career fields and turn your resume into a powerful tool for your job search. They keep up-to-date on the latest HR and recruitment trends and will appropriately respond to your career requirements.

All these increase your chances of the job you adore the most. In-house career specialists in Kalam Kagaz help you get hired faster and move ahead in your career. They are all well-recognized experts and speakers in career advancement, their pieces of advice and guidance can help you with everything from developing your professional brand to handling the following interview.

A free resume critique online, on the other hand, gives a fundamental, professional opinion from someone who understands your sector, the demands of hiring managers, and how to make your resume/CV the best it can be. Remarkably, some people may think a resume critique isn’t helpful or offers outdated, inaccurate information. They are here to clarify the lighter side of these myths.

Kalam Kagaz offers a free resume critique that provides a third-party, objective review of your resume, taking into account industry trends, insights, and best practices. Here are the facts you need to know concerning Kalam Kagaz’s resume critiques. They provide a fair perspective on your resume and offer an in-depth, informed opinion to judge the strength, effectiveness, and a possible new strategy on your needs. Besides, they embed extra-curricular and co-curricular activities like sporting activities, learning a foreign language, volunteering & fundraising for a cause from a personality point of view.

Your resume is a strategic document, and it should be specifically crafted to present you as the strongest possible candidate. One of the most important ways this is accomplished is through the way it is written.

Whether or not it includes action verbs, keywords to conquer applicant tracking systems (ATS), and details that tell the hiring manager the impact you made in your previous roles. Additionally, your resume needs to be formatted appropriately, so that it is visually appealing, but without letting design be a distraction. A good online resume critique is not meant to simply tear your resume apart and make you feel like you could never rework it yourself.

A Kalam Kagaz critique will show you the weak areas of your resume, explain how could they be strengthened, and provide details on how improving the areas will benefit your resume and, ultimately, your candidature. It’s not just about a quick fix; it is about equipping you with the knowledge that will eventually help you in your job search. The standard turnaround time in Kalam Kagaz is 48 hours nevertheless, 24 hours rush is available to those needful. If you do not receive an interview request within 45 days of receiving your final, customized resume from Kalam Kagaz, they will rework the resume without any additional cost to the client.


Another intriguing company that offers reliable resume and CV services in India is Avon resume. The company is for researchers, educators, and anyone involved in the academic world. This service will perfectly fit professionals across industries with any level of experience, from students seeking internships to senior executives looking to revamp their resumes.

They are steadily gaining momentum these days as resumes and CVs became one of the most important documents of your life. Taletel helps you to get interviews to sell your skills and your experience professionally. Your resume has to capture your reader’s attention within 10 seconds. If the reader is not impressed, what can stop them from moving onto the next resume in the line? In a situation when you need to be sure of the quality, don’t leave your future to chance. Trust and leave your future in the safe hands of professionals of Taletel.

They know how to do that. They sell your skills effectively and creatively. They add the right keywords so that the resume can find itself in databases of ATS. It reacts to specific keywords mentioned in your resume, and to overcome this state, a resume should contain a certain number of keywords strategically positioned throughout your document.  They design a winning, eye-catching document and ensure the format for your given career, which is down to the specific industry and preferred by the professional of that enunciated industry.

When companies need to sell themselves and their products, they outsource the job to professionals. They hire professional advertisers and marketers who know how to sell a company, market a product, and brand an image. In many ways, your job search puts you in a similar position with Taletel. They sell your candidature more meaningfully. They let you differentiate yourself from your competition and brand yourself to put you across the image of a possible winning and dynamic employee. In short, when your potential employer asks the question, “Why should I hire you?” You must have a convincing answer.

In the modern job market, job seekers no longer have to go it alone. They can hire professionals to help them. At Taletel, they offer you guaranteed professional service. Think of them as your marketing firm. They will sell your candidacy most effectively, enabling you to brand yourself as a possible innovative and valuable employee. Besides, they embed extra-curricular and co-curricular activities like sporting activities, learning a foreign language, volunteering and fundraising for a cause.

There are plenty of resume writing services on the internet. Most of them go by individual resume writers working alone. What makes Taletel different? Their vast network of professional resume writers means that they can match you with the writer most qualified to complete your resume. Proprietor cum writer resume writing firms cannot offer this level of specialized service.

They offer you a mundane resume writer to handle your order, no matter what can be your career or background. But Taletel offers you specialized writers who are qualified to attend to your specific needs. They have more resources available than any of the competitors. Instead of merely offering you a one-size-fits-all resume with a cover letter, they have numerous levels of services and products like LinkedIn profile making.

You can get every job search document you will ever need from them, including e-resumes, scannable resumes, and interview follow-up letters. The standard turnaround time here is 48 hours nevertheless, 24 hours rush is also available.

All the best!

Service ProviderFeaturesUnique Selling Points
Write-RightFree resume review, SEO content writing services, LinkedIn profile building, ATS optimization.Ambidextrous service covering executive to fresher resumes, online reputation with genuine reviews, 48 to 24 hours turnaround, 60 days interview request guarantee.
Kalam KagazSpecialized in resume and CV writing, free critique, career advancement guidance.Over 100 Certified Resume Writers, updated on HR and recruitment trends, 48 hours turnaround, 45 days interview request guarantee.
Avon ResumesReliable resume and CV services, suitable for professionals across industries, LinkedIn profile making.Specializes in academic and professional fields, extensive network of professional writers, 48 hours standard turnaround.


    • Q: Why is a professional resume important?
      A: A professional resume serves as a bridge between you and the recruiter, showcasing your unique skills and experiences to make you stand out and be considered for job interviews.
    • Q: What are the essential components of a CV?
      A: Key components include contact information, an introduction, educational background, professional experience, and skills.
    • Q: How can I make my resume more appealing?
      A: Optimize your resume for applicant tracking systems with the help of professional resume writing services, ensuring it meets modern hiring processes and stands out to recruiters.

FAQs – 2


1. What is the necessity for a professional resume written by a resume writing service?

The resume is one of those documents that serve as a communication bridge between the candidate and the recruiter. A CV also determines whether or not you will be called in for a direct interview. In such situations, you will constantly need the most appealing resume.
Because the recruiter just looks at your resume for a few seconds, it should be visually appealing. As a result, the CV must be appealing to employers. Your resume also serves as an introduction of you.


2. The fundamental components of a CV that you should look for

Regardless of its quality, every resume must include some essential elements. In the long run, your resume will be unacceptably incomplete without these fundamental components. So, here are some essential components to look for in your CV.


    1. Contact details


    1. An introduction


    1. Educational background


    1. Professional experience


    1. Expertise



3. How can you make your resume more appealing?


You should be aware of how to write an interesting CV before employing resume writing services. In this tech-trend domain, the résumé is usually no longer on paper. Virtual resumes can be found on career websites and social media channels. These virtual resumes can assist you in landing a job.


Companies, on the other hand, utilize recruiting software to screen your CV in this modern and automated hiring process. So, if you want to maximize your work possibilities in this tech-trend industry, you’ll need to create an optimized resume that fulfil the recruiter’s criteria in recruitment applications. Professional resume writing services are usually available to meet this fundamental need in such situations. They will format your resume in such a way that it will be simply screened and shortlisted by software.


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