Step by Step instructions to be a better freelance content writer

Storyteller by heart and head. Explores the intersection of philosophy and psychology, passion and patience, money and mind.

Freelance content writing is a profession that can be pursued by any individual who holds an interest; a passion to write about any topic they wish to explore on the face of this earth. The beauty of freelancing is that one can learn the nuances of this art and contribute in ways that not only benefit them, as aspiring writers, but they are also doing a service to people who wish to educate themselves or use your work as a point of reference. Before considering whether freelance content writing is the perfect pursuit for you, it’s vital for oneself to stay informed with respect to what you would be looking forward to. A few pointers that you could keep in mind are ensure that you have complete understanding of what your work will be based on in order to meet the requirement and one must also remember that to make sure you get the most out of working with clients, be aware and work in accordance to who the audience is you aim to target, the value proposition of the client, the voice of the brand, what you aim to achieve from the content you create, what the client exactly wishes your content should be and sound like, etc. Once you are sure of the direction that you’re moving in, freelance content writing will seem like the right kind of work for you to pursue.

There are numerous benefits that come with freelance content writing in today’s gig economy. Once you gain the experience and popularity in the freelance content writing world, it becomes easier to acquire a range of various clientele and this in turn gives the person the opportunity to make a full time employment out of it. As a freelancing content writer, you will be able to avail perks such as being able to earn money in a flexible manner, being able to work in real-time on various kinds of projects, the liberty to work from any place you wish to, being able to balance out both professional life as well as personal life, being able to save money when it comes to reporting to places for work, and so much more!

Content writing in India has taken off as a career choice for the people who wish to put their written pieces out there and what makes it even better is that you can write from the comfort of your own home or a place of your liking! The scope of getting into the world of freelance content writing is that you can not only hone your pre-existing skills as well as comprehension of this art and apply it to the content writing projects you work on but, you also build connections with other fellow freelance content writers and take away valuable knowledge and use that information to better your own work, which benefits you in the long run as you become successful and rise up the ladder with every project you invest your time in, while also being able to earn an income. Read on for some step by step instructions to be a better freelance content writer:

1.) Decide what your area of interest is – One of the most important things for a freelancing content writer is to decide what kind of niches he/she may want to be part of. By picking an area of interest, it will allow the individual to be passionate in the work they produce. It could be areas like fitness and diet, travel, pet healthcare, etc.

2) Pick the platform of your choice – Once the journey begins as a freelance content writer in India, one of the most important things with respect to growth as a writer is making sure online presence is present. Start up a blog or publish work on a website of your choice so it is easy for potential clients to find your work and connect with you such as Medium, WordPress, etc.

3) Remember to view your freelancing journey as a job, not part-time – It’s important to keep in mind that freelance content writing in the Indian market shouldn’t be treated as an alternate to other jobs you may be doing. By building connections and actively searching for work every day, one will be able to keep the income flowing on the side and it’s vital to regard your work as something of a high standard and to never degrade its value.

4) Bad jobs = Not worth the time – Remember to invest your time in work that is exciting or highly motivates you to do an effective job, instead of investing your energy in jobs that either pay you lesser than your worth or work that isn’t interesting enough. The time that gets wasted working on projects that aren’t exciting is time lost not being able to procure projects that is worth your time.

5) Make sure it’s contracted work – In order to avoid situations where the payment may not take place, your best bet is to make sure the client provides you with a binding contract. If there is a situation where the client does not choose to write up a contract, state your terms and conditions via email.

6) A client’s testimony – With every project completed, make it a point to collect your clients’ testimonies as it really goes a long way, when it comes to being able to procure other projects. A good word about your work will land the ball in your court and will interest potential clients to want to work with you.

7) Keep an eye out for writing job listings – It’s advisable to constantly be on the lookout for highly paying or high profiled writing projects and referring to job boards that specialize in certain aspects that may work in your favor where the field you are skilled in has an opening. By following groups of fellow writers, one can take into consideration other individuals’ opinions and information being shared and secure projects of decent stature.

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