A complete guide on Ghostwriting Services [Original]

Storyteller by heart and head. Explores the intersection of philosophy and psychology, passion and patience, money and mind.

When you don’t have the feeling to write a blog, there’s someone else who does. We call it a ghostwriter shortly. We aren’t speaking about summoning the spirits of your long-lost mood and motivation, ghostwriters are real people who have the work to write anything and everything that’s assigned to them by the client. Curious right? Let’s dive deeper.

What is a ghostwriter?

So, your curious mind would be waiting for the answer to the question that who the hell are these ghostwriters? The answer is as straight as an arrow, ghostwriters are the ones who get paid for what they write. They are not interested in credit and fame, rather they ensure that the work is done, and they are paid. Ghostwriters often work with authors to write the book, but over the recent past we have seen an increase in quality content on websites, social media other collaterals, hence the value of ghostwriters has increased and these have emerged as an important tool in content marketing strategies.

Some common examples would be a CEO won’t have time to post an article on his/her website, and would want someone else to write it. This is where the CEO approaches various agencies that provide ghostwriting services. While this ghostly genius differs from the conventional freelance hires, as the ghostwriter would want the content to be posted in someone else’s name, while companies often hire influential freelance writers because the organisation would want an increase in fame and recognition.

Why use a ghostwriter?

These ghostwriters are not only content creators, but they are rather experts in the field of content writing. They are well versed with grammar and can adjust to the voice and style of various kinds of content. They are aware of the importance of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) in social media and website landing page content where a small word would be a business conversion made from nowhere or a lost opportunity. Apart from these recognized platforms, ghostwriters are also capable of writing various other types of content like e-books, white paper, blog posts, video scripts, and many more. A person is always free when he/she has made an order of ghostwritten content as they are aware of grammatical errors and spelling mistakes and provide a clean and polished final piece of content that is ready to be published as soon as you say “it’s approved”.

One can use these ghostwriters as a way to reach the ultimate potential by using them as a marketing tool. As discussed earlier these ghostwriters provide, error-free and grammatically correct content, every content written can target a horde of targeted people. Every blog written has the ability to turn readers into prospects and furthers into customers. According to the need of the client and partnership and agreement between a ghostwriter and client, these can develop content and story ideas, especially when they are familiar with the topic or industry. Ghostwriters are usually meant to develop content written through a lot of research and interviews as well. Out of energy or time, try hiring a ghostwriter, sit back and relax!

Scenarios during which you may hire a ghostwriter?

Over the recent past, we have seen that CEOs, entrepreneurs, and even high-level marketing professionals don’t write their content and this has improved the value of ghostwriters. One has to understand that they have limited time and energy, and they aren’t cheating the system. Thus, you may consider the following reasons and scenarios during which you may hire a ghostwriter:

  • You aren’t a trained and specialist content writer.
  • You are happy to invest money and want high-quality content.
  • Furthermore, you are overloaded with topic creation and content management.
  • Your business is building recognition when you get things done from ghostwriters.
  • A lot of time is being spent on other areas and improving business position, leaving you with little or no time to write content.
  • You want highly engaging and well-written content for your brand story.

You can alleviate the worries and stress when you purchase writing services. A ghostwriter can come up with amazing content ideas and deliver on your vision for the blog. Apart from this when you hire a ghostwriter or pay an agency for the same, you can link ROI directly with the finished pieces.

What makes a good ghostwriter?

Once you are ready to start a relationship with a ghostwriter, there are some points that you must know about what skills should your beloved once must possess. So, what are the signs of a great ghostwriter? Let’s elaborate on this.

  • The writing style is usually engaging and the picture is formed whenever you read it, to be precise, it’s not simply telling the facts, elaborating on the facts and diving deeper always needs to be considered.
  • Fast flexible enough to write almost any kind of content.
  • They can adapt to and build upon as they understand various voices and tones.
  • They are well-read and up to date on topics related to your industry.
  • Likewise, they are always curious and ask thoughtful questions that add up to the value of the content and further improve the interest level of the reader.
  • They accurately record the points termed by the client and also are good listeners.
  • They can write the content fast and without any grammatical errors and spelling mistakes.
  • Furthermore, they are excellent editors as well, they understand that well-written content is as important as content placement.
  • They possess good knowledge of SEO, SERPs, CTA, and so on.

Their primary aim is to help an organisation boost their sales or improve recognition and for the sake of this they assume your brand or individual identity with accuracy and authenticity. It’s more important to understand that subject expertise and experience in the content writing domain are equally important parameters to select the best ghostwriter for your write-up. A good ghostwriter would be one who always considers the aim and helps you feel confident that your money is going toward worthy deliverables.

Academic writing the new trend

Academic writing is a method of presenting acquired knowledge in a particular study area. Academic writing will assist students in their analyses, conveying information, thinking critically, and focusing on method and style.

As academic content generators and supporters, we understand that analytical thinking is the most crucial aspect of academic writing.

When you indulge in academic writing, you develop your critical thinking skills. You logically deduce and convey it to the reader in a way that makes sense to them.

The research will provide you with the information you need to compose a report, documentation for university essays, or a statement of purpose.

The four significant aims of academic writing are further discussed: to inform, to describe, the narrative, and to convince. Other goals for writing abound, but these four are focused on best preparing students for college and career orientation.

Is academic ghostwriting illegal?

Hovering over the above-mentioned points one could say that ghostwriting is an illegal practice and one shouldn’t promote it. But the fact is academics ghostwriting (or any other kind of ghostwriting) isn’t illegal, this is because it is not violating any rules and regulations. It is acceptable across all cultures unless and until the ghostwriter plagiarises the client’s work. Plagiarism is a wrong thing, and each writer must avoid it. A ghostwriter would complete the task at the client’s consent and would have no permission to enquire how the papers would be used.  One can easily hire a ghostwriter to research something and save time as it’s the buyer’s discretion to use their written work in their way.

How to find your ghost?

So, as you know what takes it to make a ghostwriter, but the question now arises how do you find one? And not only just finding one, but you would also want the best to choose from. Once you narrow down the detailing of the project, it’s now easy for you to find the best ghost through an interview process. One can surely ask the ghostwriter some basic questions and judge his/her about his ability. Let’s hover over the questions now:

  • How do they charge? (by project or word count)
  • How do they write? (emphasis on writing style)
  • What are their strongest writing skills, and how do they express them?
  • How do they manage content? (organise content)
  • Have they worked as an editor, marketer, or other related positions earlier?

You would surely be asking some of these questions during the interview process of hiring a ghostwriter, but what if you don’t want a ghostwriter to be an integral part of your organisation and want some other organisation to do it. Well, there are a lot of organisations that provide these facilities, but you would surely be looking for the best. According to our research Write Right, Taletel and Estoryteller are the best out there who have proved that one can write content with that accuracy and even if some revisions are to be done, the client need not worry as these are lightning fast to get your job done as soon as possible.

Write Right has been delivering works over the past 5 years while the CEO himself has 750+ blog pages written and published on the web. They do have experience and the methodology to deliver the best possible. With around a 4.8-star rating, you may have got a clear idea of the service one could expect from them, and they are happy to deliver tasks with that degree of flexibility and accuracy. They do have highly trained writers with in-house editors that ensure to double down on the quality of the write-up.

How should you work with the ghostwriter?

Whether you decide to work with an individual ghostwriter or content marketing firm, you have to manage the relationship to dig out the most favourable results. The first and foremost step would be to sign a legal agreement like NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement) or any other you are comfortable with. The reason behind this is that if any complications occur shortly, you would have legal written proof and this would safeguard your business rights.

Other things one needs to keep in mind would be to disclose the vision of a particular write-up, inform the writer about the marketing strategy that you have for the particular write-up. Marketing strategy here includes the number of keywords and the raw content strategy if any. Alternatively, you can implement this on both the individual writer or the content agency you have a tie-up with.

You as the client must know what you are expecting from the firm or the individual and alternatively, the ghostwriter or the firm must be clear on their viewpoints and your expectations. This may include a timeline detailing when the writer has to turn in the raw content and when would be the final piece would be expected. Also, these all depend on how well you as the client are involved in this process and this should also include the time spent in revisions. Tolerance must be fixed, if possible to ensure smooth workflow. Also, allow enough time if the firm you are dealing with has an editor and the editor would be providing final polished stuff to you.

There must be enough knowledge provided on the writer’s point of view of whether to provide any imagery or include hyperlinks and the way to include keywords. Keeping these all things in mind helps the content agency to develop an editorial calendar, also on the other hand helps track the process quite easily. Ensuring all these things are being practised, further means that both the parties are now accountable to meet project deadlines.


Ghostwriters are people who write for people who are out of energy and time. They are not interested in the fame one can take from the written content. There are a lot of individual ghostwriters or content agencies that provide ghostwriting services, and it’s easy to hire one. Also, the more information you provide to your ghostwriter the better story they can dictate. Last but not least ghostwriting (academic especially) is a legal thing, and one can surely get his/her tedious work done from the ghost.

It’s obvious, rather than an executive devoting time to produce great stories once a quarter – or even once a month if they’re lucky – hiring a professional ghostwriter may expedite putting your brand’s narrative out there. Leaders must handle firm business; ghostwriters may probably write.

Because specific writing jobs are often a low priority, they are generally the ones to be eliminated from the workflow. I’ve seen it repeatedly when CEOs would devote the last hours of their day to working on third-party guest posting articles or personal blogs, and the minor thing would take over the writing chores.

It’s also a specific phobia; many writers – even the elite – struggle when long writing hours are scheduled. THUS, GHOSTWRITERS ARE THE LIFELINE TO EVERY BUSINESS NOW!

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