May 3 तक ये CORONA, हिम्मत मत हारो ना

Storyteller by heart and head. Explores the intersection of philosophy and psychology, passion and patience, money and mind.

May 3 तक ये करो ना, हिम्मत मत हारो ना
बीते हुए हसीन पल को तुम वापस याद करो ना
अब जब रेहना हे साथ में घर पे तो खुश रहो ना

पता हे मुश्किल हे पर थोड़ा बहोत सेह लोना
कौन जाने सब एक साथ फिर साथ कब होंगे

अधूरी बात तुम आज पूरी करदो ना
May 3 तक ये करो ना, हिम्मत मत हारो ना

Every generation has got its own epic story to tell to their next generation. I guess ‘Corona Virus’ is ours.

Our grandparents, the greatest storytellers, have told us enough stories to us, now it’s time we tell them the jolly good stories (from our technological universe which they might not be aware of) so that they can feel good, be happy even in this critical times.

Let’s tell our own happy stories to the greatest storytellers

Unlike the normal, in this story, there’s no ONE hero, there are many, many and uncountably many. Everyone who is staying at home, helping their parents, grandparents and children – Mind You, It’s Not Easy. It’s not easy to do it. Pat yourself. We have almost done it.

Don’t be Hard on Yourself

Sleepless Nights, Anxiety and Panic Attack is NORMAL. It’s okay. Don’t be hard on yourself. Enough Serious talk, see this funny video

CRITICAL TIME: This is not a competition that you have to utilize this time and do something INNOVATIVE, CREATIVE or something NEW. It’s okay if you aren’t.

The matter of fact that you are with your family (if not, please continue talking to your family on video calls) and the situation itself is so depressing that SURVIVAL is the goal.

Honestly, a lot has changed since I wrote the first blog on March 23. Kya Corona, Kya Nahi Corona. Soon after that, every Indian knew that tough time is coming. Everyone was prepared and here we are now which Asian Paints explained it aptly and perfectly.

If you think it’s too hard to be at home, see this:

And since out of nowhere, you think you are tired and bored and depressed of JUST SITTING AT HOME, and not aiming for anything in life, SAY NO MORE, see this and believe that this shall pass too:

Well, if you still don’t feel good, now you must and should, okay?

What am I doing? Why am I letting you see videos and clips of cats and dogs and whatever that comes to my mind? Is it going anywhere? No, it ain’t. It’s just random GOOD and HAPPY things. Do this, keep saying, reading, watching, sitting, sleeping, singing anything YOU WANT. But Stay HOME, Stay Healthy.

Like in most of the critical situations of life, you just have to let it pass. You think you too are caught up in a maze, don’t be scared, as they all say, “We are all in this TOGETHER”.

You are strong. You are beautiful. You are brave. I like this song personally because it gives us (humans) strength in unforeseen and unprecedented situations.

Today, our PM advised us to stay at our own home till May 3 (for our good). Let’s obey him and be united as one.

We have done it before, we will do it again.

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